
Thanks to the acquisition of the old family home which was in the abandonment phase, I was able to carry out a project that had been close to my heart for a few years, that of restoring a house and improving it in a way where we could live from the production of his garden, without it being difficult to maintain. I started at the end of July 2016 with the backyard of my parents' old house when I decided to upgrade this space. I started with a light weeding of certain unwanted plants only, and left as many service plants as possible.? The plants were recovered from different environments in Guadeloupe and 6 months later around the beginning of January 2017.

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the environment is more populated there are palm trees that have been planted banana trees, a castor tree, moringa a small carambola etc... I was able to make a video on the appearance of the place at that time.

During this period the garden is mainly populated by aromatic and medicinal plants as well as some shrubs such as the pomegranate tree or the guajilote (tree which gives Jamaican cane) we can also see the first moringa tree having already taken height a carapatier with which I collected seeds for the manufacture of oils, papaya trees, young banana plants from the blessed doctor, etc...

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Last edited: 07/06/2024

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